New Articles

  1. Can I make a Smart Attachment available only to internal recipients?

    Yes!  Publicly viewable Smart Attachments are handy when sending a file to someone outside of your organization, such as a vendor, affiliate, or to mobile devices.  However, you can also mark a Smart Attachment as Secure if you need to, a...
  2. Adding Images with PoliteMail Online

    Adding Images with PoliteMail Online Using the Add Image Button If you have the URL of an image that is stored online, you can use the Add Image button to insert it into your message.   Note that this can only be done with online files; ...
  3. My message hyphenations are in a different spot when I view the message!

    Hyphenation Differences between PoliteMail Online and Outlook If you composed an auto-hyphenated message in PoliteMail Online, on rare occasions you may notice the hyphenation is different when the message is viewed in Outlook for the Windows Des...
  4. How does auto-hyphenation work in PoliteMail?

    Auto-Hyphenation Auto-hyphenated text (top) versus non-hyphenated at bottom. PoliteMail version 5.1 and later gives the option to toggle auto-hyphenation in your message.  Hyphenation can make the length of each line of text more c...
  5. What do all of the fields mean when I export a Metrics report to Excel?

    Metrics Report Exports When exporting a Metrics report to Excel, you may see more fields in the exported file that you expected.  Some of these fields are deprecated, and some are used as the basis for other calculations and so do not display ...
  6. ActiveX Control Windows Security Warning

    An ActiveX Control might be unsafe to interact with other parts of this page... If you encounter the following dialog box when using PoliteMail: This is usually an issue with your internet settings and what zone the PoliteMail server is assigne...
  7. How do I give PoliteMail access to my Azure Resource Group to implement a BYOC deployment?

    You can skip this step if your in-house technicians will take care of it, but you can optionally give PoliteMail access to the Azure resource group so that PoliteMail technicians can create the needed resources for deployment. Navigate to your n...
  8. Where can I find the CSR Form?

  9. How do I fill out the CSR Form for a Branded Hostname?

    How to Fill Out a CSR Form for a Branded Hostname Access and download the CSR Form here ! Because PoliteMail deploys dedicated servers per account, you can be assigned your own subdomain (e.g. or to t...
  10. What do the different Send Statuses mean?

    Send Status The Scheduled Sends window now displays icons that indicate the current status of each message.  This replaces automated email notifications, which can be a distraction and are quickly outdated. Use Case:  If a user needs...