New Articles

  1. Getting Connected to the PoliteMail API

    Note that the ODATA functionality also enables you to connect to PoliteMail data using Excel PowerView or PowerBI. Using your PoliteMail client create a service account go to PoliteMail > Settings >Users . If you do not have access to crea...
  2. XML Error with Exchange Distribution List over 10,000

    Trying to send to an Active-Directory based distribtion list of more than 10,000 which will not send? This type of list has to be expanded by the PoliteMail using Exchange EWS, when using the PoliteMail Server tool to expand the list, to see an une...
  3. Email Distribution Not Sending With A Hybrid Exchange On-Premise And Office 365 Implementation

    For Hybrid Exchange Office365 implementations without Azure AD connect (or AD FS – Federation) implemented. A common Exchange hybrid implementation has the MX record pointing to Office 365, with the mail domains configurated in Office 365 as in...
  4. How do I send an email from a different or shared email address?

    You may want users to send certain communication from a shared email address, such as  Shared mailboxes are a feature in Outlook, but PoliteMail allows you to define who is allowed to use specific mailboxes for measured me...
  5. Can I “Spoof” From Addresses Using PoliteMail?

    If your Exchange system allows spoofing, you can do it with PoliteMail, but generally these get blocked/rejected, as email spoofing is seen as more of a security risk than not. If you set PoliteMail to send via the Server (not the Outbox), enable tr...
  6. API / SentMessage

    Entity Description: SentMessage captures the metric information on the message that was sent to recipients and displays the metrics in the PoliteMail -> Results -> Messages section. Properties Name Description Type Add...
  7. How do I update my password?

    Did you forget your PoliteMail password?   Then this article is NOT for you!  First, you will need to contact your PoliteMail Administrator for a password reset . If an Admin has reset your password, follow these steps to update it ...
  8. Setting PoliteMail Preferences

    Version 5.0+ Feature With 5.0, Admins can set Global Preferences and lock them. A global preference will be applied to every user on the account. For example, if the Admin sets List Expansion to Graph, and sets it as a Global Setting, all...
  9. Using Microsoft Stream with PoliteMail

    Uploading a Video to Microsoft Stream From the Microsoft Stream home page, click on the upload button in the right-hand corner of the header. There is also an option to upload a video on the final page of the homepage carousel. After choosing...
  10. Deleting a List

    To delete a mailing list, go to POLITEMAIL > Lists > Mailing Lists . Check the bubble next to the list you wish to delete and click the 'Delete' button (The 'X' in version 4.9x ). You will now be given a warning ...