New Articles

  1. How Does Measurement (Tracking) Work?

    PoliteMail, like all email marketing software, uses standard web-page image beacon to determine opens. Email open measurement  is the result of the recipient displaying the images within the email. It is the image referenced from the PoliteMai...
  2. PoliteMail Buttons Not Working

    If after installing PoliteMail the tool shows up in the Outlook Ribbon but the functions are greyed out or empty, you may want to check to see if you Microsoft .NET Framework is installed and updated. When attempting to install PoliteMail, it will a...
  3. PoliteMail API Entity Directory

    PoliteMail API Entity Directory Click here to go to an Odata conventions site that will assist you with creating URLs for API. Entity Description Business Business can be used to define a Business Unit in an organization. The Busin...
  4. About the PoliteMail API

    The PoliteMail API is an ODATA Service using the RESTful architecture The PoliteMail Server application provides an Application Programmers Interface (API) which allows you to create programs to utilize PoliteMail functions, without the PoliteMai...
  5. Metrics Won’t Export from the Metrics Report in PoliteMail Version 4.8

    A known issue in PoliteMail 4.8 is the inability to export some metrics from the Metrics report. This issue is currently being addressed and will be fixed upon the new release in PoliteMail 4.9. There is a workaround to export the metrics if needed...
  6. How to set-up an Exchange Service Account

    An Exchange Service account provides the login credentials and access for the PoliteMail Server to talk to Exchange EWS to expand dynamic distribution lists. The service account can be set-up either with Exchange Management console or using Entra...
  7. How to Set Your Send-To Permissions on Exchange and Office365

    To solve send-to permissions issues for both Mac and Windows users, you can set send-to permissions on Exchange. Users can still select the list in Outlook, but when they send, Exchange rejects it and bounces it back. PoliteMail bypasses that chec...
  8. How To Repair Your Outlook Data File To Resolve Recurring Outlook Crashing, Hanging Or Stuck In Outbox Issues

    If you are having recurring issues with Outlook crashing, hanging or messages not sending from the Outbox when using PoliteMail, then your Outlook data file needs to be repaired. Because Outlook data files can become damaged for a variety of ...
  9. How to clear your Internet cache

    Sometimes when connecting to the PoliteMail Server, typically after an update to Outlook or PoliteMail, your login credentials may fail, despite being accurate. This is typically due to a browser cache issue, and the cache must be cleared. Clearin...
  10. How To Add The PoliteMail Server To Your Trusted Zones

    You may want to consider setting up a Connector to identify emails sent from your server. This method is much more effective than using a GPO Push. Contact your Account Representative for a copy of the documentation on how to do this. Not using ...