New Articles

  1. Understanding PoliteMail Measurement Modes

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail offers three measurement (formerly known as tracking) modes: Aggregate (which measures the message), Individual and Anonymous (both of which measure the recipient). Aggregate Measurement A...
  2. Understanding Metrics

    The most common type of chart you will see when viewing a Metrics Report in version 5 is the pie chart. Each of these shows various metrics, defined in the glossary below. If you sent the message using Individual Measurement, you can click on ...
  3. How To Use Appointment Measurement

    What is Appointment Measurement? Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail’s Appointment Measurement (formerly "Appointment Tracking") allows users to use PoliteMail features in scheduling meetings in Outlook’...
  4. Archiving Messages

    PoliteMail will automatically compile interactions into final reports once the send date reaches the Archive age you set. To archive messages and set when they will stop collecting data, open POLITEMAIL  > Account  ( Settings&nb...
  5. How does PoliteMail calculate Reading Time and Grade Level in Metrics Reports?

    A section of your Email Metrics calculates the estimated time it will take to read your message. PoliteMail also uses Microsoft Word tools to calculate  readability scores using the Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level t...
  6. Adding, Editing, and Deleting Smart Attachments

    PoliteMail’s Smart Attachment feature is a great way to keep your email message size down by hosting attachments on PoliteMail’s server, versus using Outlook’s Add Attachment feature. These attachments can also be measured and re...
  7. Adding Personalization to a Message

    Draft a new message, then select  PoliteMail > Personalization and choose the field you want to insert. The field text is inserted into your message and the data will be replaced (merged) when you Send . When you choose a personaliza...
  8. Adding Images to a Message

    For information on inserting images in PoliteMail Online, click here . Your browser does not support HTML5 video. To keep your email size small and fast, we recommend you use PoliteMail's Add Image feature rather than embedding or att...
  9. Adding Calendar Invites to a Tracked / Measured Message

    This applies to PoliteMail v. 4.5 - 4.8. For v.4.9+, you can use the Appointment Tracking feature. To insert an Outlook calendar Meeting invite as a Smart Attachment: Open your Outlook Calendar > New Meeting . Add all details...
  10. Adding a Simple Survey or Poll

    PoliteMail's feedback options include Open Visibility, ratings, and questions for simple polls. This article will discuss the rating, yes no maybe, and multiple choice options.  If you get an error saying "open visibility is not su...