Popular Articles

  1. PoliteMail and Group Policy Objects (GPO)

    Group Policy Objects (GPOs) often apply a policy to Outlook throughout an organization to prevent web pages from being displayed within the Outlook client, to prevent bogus or unsecure links.  A GPO can also disable the Home Page tab on an Ou...
  2. Will PoliteMail Work in Citrix Environments?

    Yes! Each user/seat still requires a PoliteMail for Outlook license. Users log in to their Citrix profiles, and access PoliteMail through the PoliteMail for Outlook desktop client software, which must be installed for each user. PoliteMail can pro...
  3. How do I clear the cache with the new Outlook / Outlook 365?

    Because PoliteMail uses WebView2 for faster performance, clearing the cache in the new Outlook or Outlook for M365 is not as straightforward. Open the new Outlook or Outlook for M365, and then close it again. Open a Command Prompt...
  4.  Can I compare more than two messages?

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. With version 5.05 and higher, senders can now compare multiple Metrics Reports together in a side-by-side comparison.   Using Multi-Compare When viewing Messages or Campaigns in the data grid...
  5. Text sizing in PoliteMail Online

    When you use the sizing button to resize text in PoliteMail Online, the measurement shown is in pixels and not in points.   There are 72 points in an inch, however 72 pixels may vary in size depending on the recipient's monitor resolution...
  6. How Do I Connect The PoliteMail Server To My Exchange Server?

    Connecting to an Exchange Server PoliteMail Server, whether internally installed or cloud-hosted, may be connected to deliver email direct to your Exchange Server. This is ideal for internal employee communications, as well as for keeping all email...
  7. API / ContactClick

    Entity Description: An email that is created and sent utilizing PoliteMail, will be tracked for the time the email was opened and read, the name of the recipient, the number of URL link clicks a recipient makes in an email, the web Address, etc. ...
  8. Using the BCC Field in PoliteMail

    When sending tracked messages using PoliteMail, it is not necessary to use the Bcc field for your recipients. Each recipient will get his/her own copy of the message addressed only to him/herself, even if they are on multiple distribution lists. No...
  9. Getting Online with PoliteMail

    To use PoliteMail online, you will need a modern browser and PoliteMail version 5.0. PoliteMail does not support Internet Explorer version 11 or earlier. After upgrading your Outlook desktop client to 5.0, you will receive your hostname and lo...
  10. API/Contact

    Entity Description: An email address that is created by a user will automatically be entered into PoliteMail as a Contact. A Contacts information can be added to PoliteMail manually, edited for content, added to a mailing list, or deleted from...