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  1. Subject Suggester

    While Ai/B Subject Line testing is powerful, Subject Suggester brings the power of Ai/B testing and embeds it directly into the Subject line! On the right side of the Subject line, the Subject Suggester icon appears.  Compose your message...
  2. Isn't Outlook for the Desktop being discontinued?

    Although Microsoft does plan to phase out the classic Outlook for the Windows desktop, there are no plans for a full shutdown until at least 2029.  Users will receive advance notice of at least 12 months to opt out of the "new" Outloo...
  3. How do I import a list from a CSV or Excel file?

  4. How do I filter a Commlytics report for a specific Team? New

    The option to filter a Commlytics Report can be found on the right side of the screen in the same row as the 'Generate Report' button at the top of the screen.  Note that this button is only available when viewing a report for a Team o...
  5. About the Commlytics Dashboard New

    The Commlytics Dashboard contains a lot of useful insights!  Here's a breakdown: Export the report as a .csv or .pdf file. The settings icon allows you to clear the cache, reset all excluded topics so they're visible...
  6. What is the Influencer Score and how is it calculated? New

    The Influencer Score is intended to be a gauge of the reach of a Teams user's messages.  It is calculated as the number of members sent to multiplied by the number of messages sent. For example, a Teams user who sent 8 messages to a total o...