Popular Articles

  1. Does Outlook for the desktop really still use Internet Explorer?

    Oddly enough, yes.  Even if you use Edge, Firefox or Chrome for browsing, the IE11 component is always used inside of Outlook, even though the standalone version of Internet Explorer has been deprecated by Microsoft and you don't think yo...
  2. Does PoliteMail Version 5 have any enhancements to the API?

    The API in 5.0 will provide access to data elements which were previously unavailable in older versions, including enhanced Campaign, Business and Region information, as well as other new metrics calculations. Also, the API supports queryable attr...
  3. Is average read time calculated differently between mobile and desktop devices?

    Average read time is calculated based on all of the recipients who read the e-mail, regardless of the device type.  PoliteMail will analyze the devices used (based on Device Opens, the yellow box on the Email Metrics page), apply the calculat...
  4. Can Read Time or Grade Level be adjusted?

    Currently, these measurements are standardized and cannot be adjusted.  The only readership criteria that can be adjusted is the ability to override word count . ...
  5. API / ScheduledSend

    Entity Description: ScheduledSend functions as a delay mechanism for email messages that will be sent at a specified date and time. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID Int32 ...
  6. API / UserType

    Entity Description: UserType is the profile information about the User that is used in PoliteMail for sending tracked email and Metric information. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID Int32 Na...
  7. XML Error with Exchange Distribution List over 10,000

    Trying to send to an Active-Directory based distribtion list of more than 10,000 which will not send? This type of list has to be expanded by the PoliteMail using Exchange EWS, when using the PoliteMail Server tool to expand the list, to see an une...
  8. What happens if I don't request an upgrade to 5.0?

    There will be a time when PoliteMail will not be able to support anything under version 5.0. We will contact you well before this time expires to schedule an upgrade.  Some of the security, employee privacy, and authentications will be out of ...
  9. Syncronym Manual

  10. API / Stage

    Entity Description: Stage is defined as an area for individual contact information in the PoliteMail database. Stage includes other entities as Opt-In and Opt-Out information. Properties Name Description Type Additional Informati...