New Articles

  1. Can I compare more than two messages?

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. With version 5.05 and higher, senders can now compare multiple Metrics Reports together in a side-by-side comparison.   Using Multi-Compare When viewing Messages or Campaigns in the data grid...
  2. Switching between Multiple PoliteMail Accounts

    Multiple Account Switching For people with multiple PoliteMail servers, the server name is now in a drop-down menu for users to select from, rather than having to type the server name in every time.
  3. Viewing Sent Items

    Sent Items Your browser does not support HTML5 video. A ‘Download’ button can be found at the top of the Metrics Report, which allows you to view the item that was sent (if you don't see it, click the ... button).  This ...
  4. Saving a Message as a Draft

    Save As / Drafts Your browser does not support HTML5 video. A ‘Save As’ button has been added to allow saving the message as a draft.  Anyone can view a saved message, similar to a shared mailbox. For PoliteMail for the D...
  5. What is the difference between PoliteMail for the Desktop, Online, and 365?

    Click here to skip directly to chart that lists all features for each version. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail Desktop vs Online vs 365 PoliteMail for the desktop allows you to create powerful measur...
  6. How does Measurement work when sending an email to multiple time zones?

    Sending to Multiple Time Zones If a message was sent as a Scheduled Send message to multiple time zones, PoliteMail automatically sends the email at the appropriate hours for each time zone.   Metrics Multiple metrics reports are then ge...
  7. Does PoliteMail Version 5 have any enhancements to the API?

    The API in 5.0 will provide access to data elements which were previously unavailable in older versions, including enhanced Campaign, Business and Region information, as well as other new metrics calculations. Also, the API supports queryable attr...
  8. What are all the ways you can generate reports in PoliteMail?

    Reporting in PoliteMail You can generate metric reports based on: Individual messages Campaigns Mailing lists By Sender By From Address Account-wide (Admins only) If you’d like to create a custom metrics report, you can select indi...
  9. Do clicks to links still need to be pulled separately from all the other metrics on a report?

    Starting with version 5.0, you are now able to group links by category. You can also export their results either by single messages, or by groups of messages.
  10. Can I resend an email to only those who haven't opened a message the first time?

    Yes, but only if you are using Individual Measurement Mode. Go to the Metrics page for the message and click on the Didn't Open metric on the bottom left-hand side. This will open a data grid of contacts who have not responded.  Select...