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  1. API / OptIn

    Entity Description: PoliteMail OptIn enables a user to add subscribers and capture email addresses and contact data via an Opt-in form. These forms are accessible via a link to the account area on the PoliteMail Server, or you may put the form co...
  2. Can Smart Attachments be searchable by Google or another search engine?

    Indexing of Smart Attachments Generally, Smart Attachments (or any attachment for that matter) were not indexed (scanned by search engines) if a bit of embedded text (robots.txt) was included (more information can be found here ).  In Septem...
  3. Why have my email metrics and Open Rates dropped since my upgrade? New

    PoliteMail customers who had been running PoliteMail 4.7x – 4.9x and who had not upgraded PoliteMail versions until recently (2024, version 5.x+) will likely notice a drop in metrics. If you have not upgraded your instance of PoliteMail over...
  4. API / Paragraph

    Entity Description: Paragraph can be used to save text (e.g. a single word, a sentence, a paragraph) in an email message and can be reused in future email messages. Paragraph can save text, hyper-links, and images for future use. Paragraph is a r...
  5. API / TemplateTheme

    Entity Description: TemplateTheme allows the customer to use their brand themes with PoliteMail templates and fully customize the look and feel of the template with color pallets, font selection, header and footer selection, body style, and much ...
  6. How do I update the Graph secret?

    To update the secret in Graph, you will need to go to the Microsoft Entra Admin Center.  If logged into your network, you can access the Admin Center (if you have Admin rights) at https://entra.microsoft.com . Browse to  ...
  7. API / UserProfile

    Entity Description: UserProfile is the profile information about the User that is used in PoliteMail for sending tracked email and Metric information. PoliteMail also defines the User a Role in the system and level of access and sharing the user...
  8. API / SurveyQuestion

    Entity Description: SurveyQuestion is a preformatted entity that can be inserted into an email message to solicit a response to a question from a recipient (e.g. Yes or No, Like or Dislike, Select 1-2 or 3, etc…). Results will be found on ...
  9. Is the Online version backwards compatible with the Desktop version?

    Yes. You will receive a notification that your desktop application needs to be updated.
  10. How can I add a space that will not create a line break?

    Creating non-Breaking Space Sometimes you may need to insert a space between words, but you don't want the system to force a line break there, no matter what! This is a functionality built into Windows or MacOS, not PoliteMail.  Use the...