Popular Articles

  1. Windows Defender Users Get False Positive Trojan When Downloading The Client

    Clients using Windows Defender who attempt to load the client.zip file will receive a false/positive trojan warning as follows: The client .zip file does not contain a trojan. To our knowledge, only Windows Defender is flagging the file as a t...
  2. Errors When Adding Multiple Accounts

    Microsoft Outlook allows you to add multiple Microsoft Exchange accounts to the same profile. This may cause some errors and unexpected behavior. Please visit this Microsoft article for an explanation of these errors. ...
  3. API / SurveyAllowedAnswer

    Entity Description: SurveyAllowedAnswer allows the email recipient/survey respondent to view the results of the survey upon submitting the vote or selection. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID Int3...
  4. Do existing customers have immediate access PoliteMail online upon release?

  5. Can we remove the desktop add in after we upgrade to PoliteMail 5.0?

    Yes, you can choose to use PoliteMail entirely online.
  6. API / DeviceCount

    Entity Description: PoliteMail places a DeviceCount cookie on the recipient’s device that is used to open a tracked email. For example, PoliteMail counts the number of devices that was used to open a tracked email. (e.g. iPad, desktop, mobi...
  7. Will older email reports migrate to 5.0?

  8. API / SurveyAnswer

    Entity Description: SurveyAnswer results will be found on the bottom of the metrics reports page. Multiple survey answers will appear on the same metrics page. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID In...
  9. API / Device

    Entity Description: PoliteMail places a cookie on the recipient’s device that is used to open a tracked email. For example, if the Device that was used to open a tracked email was an iPad, a cookie is placed on the iPad enabling PoliteMail ...
  10. Are there any gaps in the new metrics features when looking at older emails?

    Older metrics reports will migrate to 5.0 with no issue; there should be no gaps in reporting or features.