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  1. API / Event

    Entity Description: All PoliteMail that is distributed is tracked and a record of interactions (e.g. Open and Click counts) with the recipients and the Email is stored and the metadata parsed to capture the metrics for future analysis. Properti...
  2. What is a skimmed email?

    Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
  3. How do IP addresses work?

    An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a string of numbers separated by periods. IP addresses are expressed as a set of four numbers (IPv4) — an example address might be Each number in the set can range from 0 to 255. So, the full ...
  4. What is a "regex"?

    Regex is an abbreviated term for "regular expressions", and is a standardized set of text that can help you find what you're looking for quickly.  For example, /w typically means to match character from A-Z or 0-9, in upper or low...
  5. Add Image Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Images

    Due to a limitation within Outlook, the Add Image pull-down menu can only display 999 results. If there are 1000 images loaded into the content library, the Add Image pull-down menu will appear blank. Clearing some lesser used items out of your Cont...
  6. There are extra pixels on template elements

    The Outlook editor will leave small spaces on the sides of some elements as handles or grab-edges. These extra pixels may cause your email not to display perfectly within the editor—but, when sent, these handle pixels will not be displayed wit...
  7. API / Image

    Entity Description: Image allows a user to add an Image to the PoliteMail images repository to be referenced in the email, downloaded, and displayed as an embedded image in the email. The image is hosted on the PoliteMail server which enables the...
  8. How can I tell if an Item already has tags?

    You can tell if a content item has tags in two ways: from the PoliteMail Builder, and when viewing the list of items from the Content menu. From the PoliteMail Builder When viewing content in the PoliteMail Builder, items with a solid gray ...
  9. Why does a thumbs up or thumbs down rating open a web page?

    A thumbs up or thumbs down button is considered a poll in PoliteMail. When a recipient gives a thumbs up or thumbs down, they are brought to a web page where they can view the results. ...
  10. How to Unlock Users

    Unlocking a User If a user locks their account from entering an incorrect password too many times, follow the steps below: 1. Go to POLITEMAIL > Account > Users. 2. If the user is locked out, the Require Password Reset ('Enabled&...