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  1. API / GroupLabel

    Entity Description: The GroupLabel entity identifies a distribution Group by name. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID String Label String Entity Statement if you are using vers...
  2. API / Event

    Entity Description: All PoliteMail that is distributed is tracked and a record of interactions (e.g. Open and Click counts) with the recipients and the Email is stored and the metadata parsed to capture the metrics for future analysis. Properti...
  3. API / Email

    Entity Description: All PoliteMail that is distributed is tracked and a record of interactions with the recipients and the Email is stored and the metadata parsed to capture the metrics for future analysis. Properties Name Description ...
  4. API / DeviceCount

    Entity Description: PoliteMail places a DeviceCount cookie on the recipient’s device that is used to open a tracked email. For example, PoliteMail counts the number of devices that was used to open a tracked email. (e.g. iPad, desktop, mobi...
  5. API / Device

    Entity Description: PoliteMail places a cookie on the recipient’s device that is used to open a tracked email. For example, if the Device that was used to open a tracked email was an iPad, a cookie is placed on the iPad enabling PoliteMail ...
  6. API / CustomField

    Entity Description: Custom Field allows a user to further customize the custom fields in the PoliteMail Personalization feature (e.g. salutation, birthdate, department, etc…). Custom Field may also be used for Personalization merge fields ...
  7. API / ContactRead

    Entity Description: An email that is created and sent utilizing PoliteMail, will be tracked for the time the email was opened and read, the name of the recipient, if the email is active, and was it shared with someone else. Properties Na...
  8. API / ContactClick

    Entity Description: An email that is created and sent utilizing PoliteMail, will be tracked for the time the email was opened and read, the name of the recipient, the number of URL link clicks a recipient makes in an email, the web Address, etc. ...
  9. API / Click

    Entity Description: The Click is tracked in PoliteMail with the Click-Thru Rate (CTR) metric which is the total number of unique individual recipients who have clicked (at least one link), to the total recipients the email was delivered to. (e.g....
  10. API / Category

    Entity Description: Contacts can be organized outside of mailing lists using category. Categories are assigned manually to individual contacts, or when selecting or importing a list or group of contacts. Properties Name Description ...