New Articles

  1. My Email is Stuck in the Outbox

    If email is stuck in your Outbox, it could one of several possible issues outlined below. You do not have permissions to send from the address you are selecting, or you are trying to send a message using a draft created by someone else. The permi...
  2. How to Clear the Global Address List (GAL) Cache

    Clearing the Global Address List (GAL) Cache In the Outlook main window, click the File menu. From the File menu, click the Options button. In the Options, click the Mail tab and scroll down to the Send Messages section. Click the Empty...
  3. My images show as the wrong size or are not lining up

    Are recipients sending you screen shots of poorly laid-out emails, when you know you sent them correctly? Verify You're Not Using a Previously Sent Template First, make sure you are not using a previously sent template including a forwarded ...
  4. Template Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Templates

    Due to a limitation within Outlook, the Template pull-down menu can only display 999 results. If there are 1000 templates loaded into the content library, the Template pull-down menu will appear blank. Clearing some lesser used items out of your C...
  5. PoliteMail Conflicts with other Outlook Add-ins

    Not all Outlook add-ins are programmed to cooperate with, or share internal Outlook objects. Conflicts usually present themselves as certain add-in features not working, but may also result in Outlook crashing. If your message keeps getting stuck in...
  6. Exporting Results/Metrics to Excel

    PoliteMail gives you the option to export your metrics to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export selected messages or all messages. You can also choose to export the message grid or export individual message metric results. To begin, go to PoliteM...
  7. Comparison Metrics

    PoliteMail gives you the ability to compare the results of two different measured messages side by side. This allows you to determine which message had a better engagement rate, for example, or how a message was received by two different business ...
  8. Using the HeatMap Feature

    Like a weather map for your email message, PoliteMail will provide a colored overlay which shows read time and click metrics visually. This data can be used to see how your readers are viewing your content, and where you should be putting key mess...
  9. Updating Metrics Reports

    To view the metrics report for a message, navigate to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Double-click on a message to load it into the metrics report. You should see two hyperlinks at the top of the report for updating and archivin...
  10. I cannot insert custom fields into my messages.

    Make sure you have Anonymous or Individual Tracking on. This will put unique tracking information into each email for each person you are sending to.