Updated Articles

  1. API / CustomField

    Entity Description: Custom Field allows a user to further customize the custom fields in the PoliteMail Personalization feature (e.g. salutation, birthdate, department, etc…). Custom Field may also be used for Personalization merge fields ...
  2. API / ContactClick

    Entity Description: An email that is created and sent utilizing PoliteMail, will be tracked for the time the email was opened and read, the name of the recipient, the number of URL link clicks a recipient makes in an email, the web Address, etc. ...
  3. API / Click

    Entity Description: The Click is tracked in PoliteMail with the Click-Thru Rate (CTR) metric which is the total number of unique individual recipients who have clicked (at least one link), to the total recipients the email was delivered to. (e.g....
  4. API / Campaign

    Campaign is a group of similar email messages that have been sent with the ability to track the cumulative results of all the emails sent over time. (e.g. Monthly Newsletters, Weekly sales incentives, Marketing questionnaires, etc…). Email me...
  5. API / Category

    Entity Description: Contacts can be organized outside of mailing lists using category. Categories are assigned manually to individual contacts, or when selecting or importing a list or group of contacts. Properties Name Description ...
  6. How do I turn Opt-Out on or off?

    Version 5.0: Changing this can be found under POLITEMAIL > Account > Subscription. Version 4.9+:   You can use the opt-out feature either for an individual email using the drop-down on the PoliteMail button, or you can have it...
  7. Are there any PageWorthy sample templates?

    PoliteMail's PageWorthy service creates custom, mobile-responsive templates and provides email production support services for our users. For customers who may need more specialized templates not easily created with the PoliteMail Builder, P...
  8. I'm being prompted for a Sender ID. What is it, and how do I get one?

    Sender IDs Sender ID is used to detect spoofing . A spoofed email message is modified to appear as if it originates from a sender other than the actual sender of the message. Sender ID detects spoofed email messages by using the Sender Policy Fram...
  9. Will PoliteMail work with my version of Outlook?

    The short answer is, yes!  There are a dizzying, and confusing, number of versions of Outlook, so here we'll break it down a bit. Regardless of your version of Outlook, PoliteMail Online is fully functional, with a familiar interfac...
  10. Using the API with Message Tagging

    Message Tags and the PoliteMail API Under SentMessages, there are three POST API calls that refer to Message Tags: GetByTag AddTag RemoveTag Below is some sample code to show how these might be used.  Please note that the code below is...