Popular Articles

  1. API / User

    Entity Description: User is the information about the User that is used in PoliteMail for sending email and Metric information. PoliteMail also defines the User a Role in the system and level of access and sharing the user has within the system....
  2. My Mailing List Name Won’t Validate in the To: Field

    When sending to PoliteMail Mailings lists, or local Outlook distribution groups, Outlook utilizes it’s Address Book service to validate the list and access members of the list. When a list goes into the Outlook To: field, it should appear lik...
  3. YouTube Links Are Not Being Embedded Correctly

    This is most noticeable when you try to use the Social Advocacy feature to link to a YouTube video. When your users try to use Social Advocacy to share the link, they will be able to see the specific video on Facebook and Twitter, but not LinkedIn. ...
  4. API / Location

    Entity Description: Location is an entity used by PoliteMail to track a recipient’s geolocation. The results will be displayed in the Metrics section of PoliteMail. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ...
  5. Fixing Text Wrapping with PageWorthy Templates

    PoliteMail's PageWorthy custom templates use text wrapping rather than aligning the text in its own table. This may cause an issue when using PoliteMail's Add Image feature where the text appears below the image rather than wrapped besid...
  6. Creating Follow-Up Mailing Lists

    If using Individual Measurement Mode, you can create follow-up mailing lists. Select the  Results button for the email that you want to create a follow-up list for. Let’s say you want to send a follow-up email to the recipients who di...
  7. Is there a way to share reports with someone?

    While there is no Share button for reports, you can allow other users to run a report simply by making sure the message   is labeled Unassigned in both the Business and Region categories. This will ensure that all users will be able to view i...
  8. API / Click

    Entity Description: The Click is tracked in PoliteMail with the Click-Thru Rate (CTR) metric which is the total number of unique individual recipients who have clicked (at least one link), to the total recipients the email was delivered to. (e.g....
  9. Changing the Logo on the Survey or Poll Page

    This function can be done by Admins only. When a user answers a survey or poll question, they will be brought to a separate page to view the results. You can modify this page with your company's logo or any other image. This is an Admin-onl...
  10. API / Link

    Entity Description: Link allows a user to track a hyper-link or track linked text in a PoliteMail tracked email message. Tracked links in an email will be saved to a Links repository in PoliteMail for future use. Links in the repository can be ed...