Updated Articles

  1. How To Use List Expansion to Expand Distribution Lists

    Dynamic distribution groups (DDGs, and often also called Dynamic Distribution Lists or DDLs) are Entra ID objects created to expedite the mass sending of messages in Microsoft Exchange.  PoliteMail can expand DDGs in version 4.97 and higher u...
  2. How to set-up an Exchange Service Account

    An Exchange Service account provides the login credentials and access for the PoliteMail Server to talk to Exchange EWS to expand dynamic distribution lists. The service account can be set-up either with Exchange Management console or using Entra...
  3. How do I add a bookmark in an Outlook email?

    Inserting a Bookmark in Outlook In Outlook, the Bookmark feature can help you find or skip to a specific place at ease without scrolling through large blocks of text. Bookmarks are not trackable by PoliteMail as PoliteMail only tracks external link...
  4. Can Smart Attachments be searchable by Google or another search engine?

    Indexing of Smart Attachments Generally, Smart Attachments (or any attachment for that matter) were not indexed (scanned by search engines) if a bit of embedded text (robots.txt) was included (more information can be found here ).  In Septem...
  5.  Adding, Editing, and Deleting Smart Attachments

    PoliteMail’s Smart Attachment feature is a great way to keep your email message size down by hosting attachments on PoliteMail’s server, versus using Outlook’s Add Attachment feature. These attachments can also be measured and re...
  6. "Secured" vs "Shared" Content

    In version 5.0 of PoliteMail, both desktop as well as online, you have the option of making some content items, such as Images, Links, and Smart Attachments, Shared and/or Secured. In earlier versions of PoliteMail, a similar version of this fun...
  7. How do I resize images in Paint and Paint 3D?

    It is recommended to resize your images before importing into PoliteMail. While the PoliteMail Builder will automatically resize images based on width, this can cause your text or image to move within your template, or for your image to appear stret...
  8. HTML Personalization Via Importing a Custom Field

    Click here for version 4.9 instructions. Enable HTML Personalization PoliteMail gives you the option to import a customized field with HTML code from a .csv file and have this field appear as a Personalization option in your PoliteMail email m...
  9. Removing Emails From Campaigns

    Click on Campaigns > Campaigns ( Results > Campaigns in v4.9 ). Double-click on the Campaign you want to remove the message from. Version   5:   A list of all messages in the Campaign shows. Click the one you want ...
  10. What is the Benchmark feature?

    Go to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Version 5.0:  Select a message and click Email Metrics. Version 4.9x:   Double-click on a message to view it, then click the Benchmark link. Comparing to your Com...