New Articles

  1. Does the new upgrade will affect Outlook performance?

    Yes!  PoliteMail for Desktop is much faster and more efficient.
  2. Can we remove the desktop add in after we upgrade to PoliteMail 5.0?

    Yes, you can choose to use PoliteMail entirely online.
  3. Where can I get detailed security information to provide to our Security team for review?

    When you schedule your upgrade, you will be receiving updated technical and implementation documentation. If you need this documentation sooner, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
  4. What happens if I don't request an upgrade to 5.0?

    There will be a time when PoliteMail will not be able to support anything under version 5.0. We will contact you well before this time expires to schedule an upgrade.  Some of the security, employee privacy, and authentications will be out of ...
  5. Can I start work in the Online version and then continue in the Desktop version?

    Yes, you can work between the different interfaces. You just have to make sure you save works in progress, like a template or email message, before opening them in a different interface.
  6. If I send through PoliteMail Online, will the results from that email show in an older Outlook desktop results view?

    No. PoliteMail online is only available if you upgrade to version 5.0.  To view Results on the Desktop, the Desktop interface would also need to be upgraded to 5.0.
  7. Are there any limitations to types of mailing lists you can send to with PM365 or PoliteMail online?

    It will depend on how your organization’s mailing lists are configured, but generally, you will not have access to your Exchange mailing lists when using PoliteMail online. However, you will  have access to those if you use PoliteMail365...
  8. Do we still need to do the back-end work preparing our internal distribution lists for use in PoliteMail?

    To import your mailing lists into PoliteMail online and PoliteMail365, you would need to make sure all distribution lists are synced up to the Cloud and that you have the Microsoft Graph application fully implemented with all permissions for the Gra...
  9. Will older email reports migrate to 5.0?

  10. Are there any gaps in the new metrics features when looking at older emails?

    Older metrics reports will migrate to 5.0 with no issue; there should be no gaps in reporting or features.