Updated Articles

  1. Template Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Templates

    Due to a limitation within Outlook, the Template pull-down menu can only display 999 results. If there are 1000 templates loaded into the content library, the Template pull-down menu will appear blank. Clearing some lesser used items out of your C...
  2. My images show as the wrong size or are not lining up

    Are recipients sending you screen shots of poorly laid-out emails, when you know you sent them correctly? Verify You're Not Using a Previously Sent Template First, make sure you are not using a previously sent template including a forwarded ...
  3. How to Clear the Global Address List (GAL) Cache

    Clearing the Global Address List (GAL) Cache In the Outlook main window, click the File menu. From the File menu, click the Options button. In the Options, click the Mail tab and scroll down to the Send Messages section. Click the Empty...
  4. My Email is Stuck in the Outbox

    If email is stuck in your Outbox, it could one of several possible issues outlined below. You do not have permissions to send from the address you are selecting, or you are trying to send a message using a draft created by someone else. The permi...
  5. My Email is Taking Too Long to Send

    Your send may be taking a long time based on several factors. Larger distribution lists will take longer to send to. There also may be others in your organization sending at the same time. You must wait for their send to go completely through befo...
  6. Using PoliteMail with Translator for Outlook To Display Messages in Multiple Languages

    PoliteMail works with the Translator for Outlook add-in to convert PoliteMail messages into different languages. You can download Translator for free from the Microsoft store by clicking here . Once the add-in has been installed, you will see a bu...
  7.  Using the PoliteMail Connector on Microsoft Power Automate

    What is Power Automate? Microsoft Power Automate is a Microsoft 365 application that allows users to create automated, event-driven work processes across several different applications. PoliteMail now includes a Flow Connector, so you may automate...
  8. Deleting Older or Unused Templates

    Deleting a Template Check if Shared As a best practice, we recommend checking if the template has been shared before deleting. Here’s how: Navigate to the POLITEAIL tab from Outlook. Select the Content drop-down menu, and choose Te...
  9. How do I share a template with other users?

    Template Sharing You can share templates and content with the Groups you belong to. To read about how sharing works with Groups and among PoliteMail users, click here . When saving a new template, you can choose to share it by clicking on the S...
  10. How do I add Content to a Template?

    Adding Content to a Template Next to the Template Sections under the Content tab are your saved Images, Links, Paragraphs, Smart Attachments, and Buttons. For an example, let’s work with Images. Clicking on the Images button will bring you t...