New Articles

  1. Can I recall an email?

    Unfortunately, the recall function does not work with PoliteMail as the way sending is performed is completely different than how that function operates. To "recall" a message you will need to stop mail flow and clear the emails out of t...
  2. PoliteMail Server License Installation Guide

    After receiving the license file from your account manager, you will now be able to install the license. The file you received should end in “.license”. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it (Example: Desktop). Open the Poli...
  3. How do I send from a different email address?

    Outlook for the Desktop:   Compose a new email and click on Options > From. PoliteMail Online:   Click the 'From' link in the upper right. PoliteMail for Outlook 365:    Compose a new email, click on the ....
  4. PoliteMail Interactions

    In PoliteMail 5.0, the PoliteMail Panel is called "Interactions."  You can monitor how many people are opening your email in near real-time, as well as get information such as Response type from your recipients and what kind of a...
  5. How Do I Disable The PoliteMail Add-in?

    If you temporarily do not need the PoliteMail add-in, and do not want to go through the uninstall/reinstall process, you may disable the add-in so that Outlook doesn't load it. To Disable PoliteMail in Outlook 2010+ Go to the Outlook File...
  6. Using the BCC Field in PoliteMail

    When sending tracked messages using PoliteMail, it is not necessary to use the Bcc field for your recipients. Each recipient will get his/her own copy of the message addressed only to him/herself, even if they are on multiple distribution lists. No...
  7. How do I update to the latest version of PoliteMail?

    Users of PoliteMail Online or PoliteMail for Microsoft 365 will update automatically. For PoliteMail for the Desktop (Outlook Add-In), your Administrator needs to request an upgrade through contact the PoliteMail Support Team.   Once your Ad...
  8. Does PoliteMail Work With Microsoft 365 Hosted Exchange?

    Yes!  The latest version of PoliteMail is available via Microsoft 365 ( as well as through PoliteMail Online. PoliteMail Server will require an Exchange Service Account, with adequate permission levels to request members of the dis...
  9. How do I change, edit, disable, or delete a scheduled message?

    Accessing and Editing a Scheduled Message Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Select  the PoliteMail tab within your Outlook window. Select  Campaigns > Scheduled Sends.  Click the desired Scheduled Message. ...
  10. How do I toggle from PoliteMail 365 to PoliteMail Online?

    Because there is more functionality in PoliteMail Online versus PoliteMail for Microsoft 365, there may be times when you want quickly switch from 365 to PoliteMail Online. To do so, click on the ≡ button in the top left corner of the Polite...