Updated Articles

  1. To use PoliteMail you must restart Outlook

    "To use PoliteMail you must restart Outlook" Dialog Loop Starting in October 2023, Outlook was updated to Outlook 2310 by Microsoft and changed the default setting in a Registry key that is used by PoliteMail.  When you start up Ou...
  2. Setting Up Monitoring Multiple Inboxes

    PoliteMail automatically monitors the Outlook standard inbox folder for undeliverable messages and replies. If you use more than one Inbox for sending PoliteMail, you can use the Monitor Other Inboxes setting and PoliteMail will be able to measure...
  3. My Shared Mailbox is not working in PoliteMail

    Please note that if you have multiple shared mailboxes, such as "hr@company.com" as well as "communications@company.com" in addition to your own, you will need to be logged in to all email accounts for From permissions to work....
  4. What do all of the buttons in the toolbar in PoliteMail Online do?

    PoliteMail Online features special toolbars that are not available with PoliteMail for the Outlook desktop.  A description of these is below.  Note that depending on the resolution of your display and the version of PoliteMail you are us...
  5. Exactly what information is collected and stored by PoliteMail?

    Data Collection and Storage by PoliteMail Download a PDF of this information here ! The data collected and stored by PoliteMail varies depending on the measurement mode used to send a measured message.  The table below provides a summar...
  6. What happens if I use a Template with missing content items?

    Sometimes you might load a Template and try to send out a message that contains content items that is missing in PoliteMail (for example, if it was in PoliteMail but have been deleted).  When this happens and you send the message, you will se...
  7. How do I create a Template in PoliteMail?

    Creating a New Template Create a Brand Theme Your first step in creating a new template is to design your Brand Theme.  Click on Brand Themes and choose New .  Give your theme a name. You can also make it the Default for all tem...
  8. Getting Connected to the PoliteMail API

    Note that the ODATA functionality also enables you to connect to PoliteMail data using Excel PowerView or PowerBI. Using your PoliteMail client create a service account go to PoliteMail > Settings >Users . If you do not have access to crea...
  9. How do I change the color of links in PoliteMail for Microsoft 365?

    Although you can set the colors of active, visited, and unclicked links when creating a Brand Theme using the PoliteMail Builder in PoliteMail for the Windows desktop or PoliteMail Online, the color of links in M365 is actually controlled by the app...
  10. What are the system requirements for PoliteMail?

    General IT Requirements Requirement Cloud Service Self-Hosted / On Premises Windows IIS Servers VM ✔ † Connect to SQL Server ✔ † Branded hostname with public authority ✔ † Dedicated SMTP IP ✔ †...