Updated Articles

  1. Creating, Saving and Reusing Links

    With the Links function in PoliteMail, you can save links and easily insert them into new messages without having to retype the content. In a measured message, PoliteMail will automatically measure interactions with any link, whether you use the...
  2. How do I create or edit a link in PoliteMail Online?

    The easiest way to create or edit a hyperlink in PoliteMail Online is to select the hyperlink (or word that you want to be the hyperlink) and press Control-K, which is a fairly standard keyboard shortcut to create or edit a link in any applica...
  3. User Links vs Saved Links

    Links set up through the Insert Hyperlink feature (either by right-clicking or from the Ribbon) from the Compose Message window in Outlook are saved  links (1) , whereas links created or added via the PoliteMail Builder or the content data...
  4. Campaigns and Campaign Metrics

    Campaigns are a great way to group messages, providing you with key insights and the ability to measure metrics over time.  For example, if you have multiple newsletters that you want to keep organized together, you can place them in a Camp...
  5. Email Reach, Email Readership, and Email Engagement

    You will find metric reports of Reach, Readership, and Engagement in all Campaign and Account Reports (Admin-only feature). Email Reach Email Reach is defined as the percent of your audience that have received and opened your message a...
  6. How do I create a Brand Theme?

    Brand Themes can hold your organization’s specific font and colors, and apply them to any template. Brand themes can only be created in the PoliteMail Builder . Creating a Brand Theme Starting with Version 5.1 of PoliteMail, there is an...
  7. What does the Sync button do when viewing my Lists?

    If a custom field value in a Filtered List is changed, it might not be reflected in the Filtered List membership right away.  To address this, you can click the Sync button to update the counts on demand. Once clicked, PoliteMail will d...
  8. How To Add The PoliteMail Server To Your Trusted Zones

    You may want to consider setting up a Connector to identify emails sent from your server. This method is much more effective than using a GPO Push. Contact your Account Representative for a copy of the documentation on how to do this. Not using ...
  9. How do I narrow down the lists displayed on screen?

    Narrowing Down a List If you need to narrow down the lists displayed, there are a few options. You can filter the lists to only show lists that have been created by you or a particular user. Click the arrow next to Owner. Version 5.0:   ...
  10. How do I create a filtered list?

    Filters are a search parameters that are used to generate a list of contacts. By using Filters, you can quickly create and manage groups of contacts. For example, you could create a list of contacts that are grouped by manager. Alternatively, you ...