Updated Articles

  1. Assigning a Category to a Contact

    PoliteMail gives you the option to assign a Category to your contacts. You can either assign a Category when you import a mailing list, or edit it from the Contacts tab. Categories are accessed by going to PoliteMail > Settings > Cate...
  2. Exporting Contacts

    Go to PoliteMail > Lists > Mailing Lists. Double-click on the mailing list you want to export the contacts from. Now go to Actions > Export All. By default, PoliteMail will export everything that is displayed on t...
  3. Exporting and Deleting Undeliverables

    To view your list of all undeliverables, select  POLITEMAIL> Lists > Undeliverable. PoliteMail manages undeliverable email for you automatically. It removes any undeliverable messages from your Inbox, places them into the Undeliver...
  4. Exporting Mailing Lists

    PoliteMail gives you the option to export Mailing Lists to an Excel spreadsheet. From the POLITEMAIL tab , choose Mailing Lists. Select the list you want to export by clicking on it. You can hold down the CTRL key to select multiple lists. &...
  5. Geographic Location Data

    PoliteMail will convert recipient IP address information into geographic data, so you may view a map of your open and click interactions. This map view enables drill-down to a state-level view (city-level view in Version 4.9x ). To see the...
  6. Not all contacts are showing up in a Metrics report

    You've sent a PoliteMail message. Now, when you check your metrics report, it’s only displaying metrics for some of your contacts. This usually happens when your contacts have different owners. When you import a list, or manually updat...
  7. Edit Message Details

    You are allowed to edit message details on already sent emails such as Tag Groups and Send Counts (Aggregate Measurement only). To edit details go to POLITEMAIL > Messages and select the message you wish to update by single-clicking on it. ...
  8. My Metrics are only counting one device.

    In some instances, a user may need to update a recipient count for aggregate sending. This usually occurs when there is an error in Getting Recipient Count. A user will notice that the metrics will only count 1 device. Manually Updating a Send Co...
  9. Updating Metrics Reports

    To view the metrics report for a message, navigate to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Double-click on a message to load it into the metrics report. You should see two hyperlinks at the top of the report for updating and archivin...
  10. Using the HeatMap Feature

    Like a weather map for your email message, PoliteMail will provide a colored overlay which shows read time and click metrics visually. This data can be used to see how your readers are viewing your content, and where you should be putting key mess...