Updated Articles

  1. Not everyone on a distribution list received my message

    You've sent a measured message and not all the recipients on the distribution list have received it. You may also notice contacts missing in the metrics report. This usually requires a Support ticket so we can expand your list and see where the ...
  2. Adding to your Outlook Whitelist

    If an email message you want ends up in your spam folder by mistake, you can prevent that from happening again by adding the sender's email address or email domain to your Outlook whitelist. In Outlook 2010+ , from the Home tab click Junk, th...
  3. Creating Filtered Lists with Syncronym

    For Syncronym users, you can create a mailing list based off of the custom fields your Administrator has designated. Go to PoliteMail > Lists > Mailing Lists Select the list you want to filter. Then go to New > Filtered List . &nbs...
  4. Using Bulk Update to Change Multiple Fields in a List

    The Bulk Update feature in PoliteMail allows you to choose multiple columns within a List and add or change them to one common value. This allows for quick editing within Lists. 1.  Go to  POLITEMAIL > Lists >  Mailing List...
  5. Manually Opting-Out Contacts from Mailing Lists

    You can choose to manually opt-out Contacts. Once you have changed their status to Opt-Out, they will be opted-out of all mailing lists within PoliteMail. This is useful if you have a Contact that is a member of several mailing lists that you don&rs...
  6. List Operations

    PoliteMail provides you with several tools to organize your lists. Please be advised that these only apply to PoliteMail lists . Click Lists > Mailing Lists from the PoliteMail toolbar. Select/check the list name(s) you want to work with. ...
  7. Sharing Mailing Lists

    Please select your PoliteMail version: PoliteMail 4.9 | PoliteMail 5.0 or PoliteMail online PoliteMail 5.0/PoliteMail online Sharing a mailing list will make it available to all users, or will adhere to Group permissions if your com...
  8. Creating Follow-Up Mailing Lists

    If using Individual Measurement Mode, you can create follow-up mailing lists. Select the  Results button for the email that you want to create a follow-up list for. Let’s say you want to send a follow-up email to the recipients who di...
  9. Deleting and Removing Contacts

    As a best practice, we recommend that the contact is no longer actively collecting metrics before you delete it. Once you delete a contact, you lose all metrics that contact has collected. Removing a contact will delete that contact from a sin...
  10. Editing a Contact's Record

    When you create a contact in PoliteMail, you can access and edit their record. Navigate to POLITEMAIL> Lists > Contacts.   If you are using PoliteMail online, go to the  Navigation Pane > Lists > Contacts. Click on the ...