Applies To: □ PoliteMail Desktop ■ PoliteMail Online □ PoliteMail O365
Version: □ 4.94 □ 4.97 ■ 5.x
To use PoliteMail online, you will need a modern browser and PoliteMail version 5.0.
PoliteMail does not support Internet Explorer version 11 or earlier.
After upgrading your Outlook desktop client to 5.0, you will receive your hostname and login credentials. To access your online account, from your welcome email, enter:
You will then be asked to login to PoliteMail using your PoliteMail password.
If you are unable to login, please contact your PoliteMail Administrator, or your company's IT department for a password reset.
While using PoliteMail online, User Role permissions and Group assignments (if any) will apply to which content and features are available.