Updated Articles

  1. Can I start work in the Online version and then continue in the Desktop version?

    Yes, you can work between the different interfaces. You just have to make sure you save works in progress, like a template or email message, before opening them in a different interface.
  2. What happens if I don't request an upgrade to 5.0?

    There will be a time when PoliteMail will not be able to support anything under version 5.0. We will contact you well before this time expires to schedule an upgrade.  Some of the security, employee privacy, and authentications will be out of ...
  3. Where can I get detailed security information to provide to our Security team for review?

    When you schedule your upgrade, you will be receiving updated technical and implementation documentation. If you need this documentation sooner, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
  4. Can we remove the desktop add in after we upgrade to PoliteMail 5.0?

    Yes, you can choose to use PoliteMail entirely online.
  5. Does the new upgrade will affect Outlook performance?

    Yes!  PoliteMail for Desktop is much faster and more efficient.
  6. Do existing customers have immediate access PoliteMail online upon release?

  7. Does Syncronym work with PoliteMail online?

  8. Is the Online version backwards compatible with the Desktop version?

    Yes. You will receive a notification that your desktop application needs to be updated.
  9. Are all of the 5.0 features available for on-premise clients? Would PoliteMail online work if the PoliteMail server is on-prem?

    Yes, the upgrade is available for both Cloud and on-premise customers. We have some more configuration options available with 5.0, which can be discussed during your scope call.
  10. Do we get 5.0 with our existing contract or do we have to pay/sign a new agreement to use it?

    PoliteMail version 5.0 is a free upgrade. You do not need to sign any new agreements and an Admin can request an upgrade at any time.